Our vision
Our vision is for a farm for the St Davids peninsular, shaped and owned by the community, for the benefit of the community, with well-being at the very centre of it’s activities.

The Farm would be based on the following guiding principles in no particular order.
The 6 Pillars of Food Sovereignty
The Nyeleni Agroecology Declaration
Vision for the farm
We already have a strong community group working on the buy-out of Trecadwgan farm from Pembrokeshire County Council.
The group is currently drafting a full business plan and incorporating as a Charitable Community Benefit Society. Over £50,000 has already been raised towards the purchase of the farm and we are also exploring options with ethical lenders.
Once incorporated there we will be a community share issue at £100 per share, where by the farm would be owned by and run for the benefit of the community, where all income would be re-invested in the farm or the local community.
Trecadwgan Farm will be run as a Community Farm.
As suggested by the public on the St Davids Peninsula, and surrounding area, it will centre on wellbeing and include:
Farming run on organic and other biodiversity principles to protect the environment and provide healthy food for our local communities.
Training and education and job creation in agriculture to keep the strong heritage of Wales alive.
Space for artisans to do their craft, sell their products, and share their skills.
Talks, events and activities to bring people together on a range of subjects, for example art, music, wildlife, and healthy living.
The Farm Would Be
A productive place for people, community and wildlife, farming would be sympathetic to and in harmony with wildlife with a view to recreating habitat.
A home for a number of land based enterprises. Initially to start with Torth y Tir’s community mill, bakery & grain production & storage on site. And also to include other enterprises which meet the principles listed above.
A place the community of Solva and the wider St Davids peninsular would see this as their community farm they would feel proud of it and protective of it.
Hosting a community processing & storage facility for curing, butchering, juicing, smoking, cheese making, packaging and storage. This facility would support other local agroecological enterprises and local people allowing them to add value to their produce.
A truly mixed farm with cattle, and a range or animals alongside crops
A place where education would be central. The farm would develop facilities to host courses, residential education and would act as a vehicle to drive more agroecological production in the local area and in Wales as a whole.